About Us

Welcome to AI Tools Directory, an experimental project showcasing the capabilities of modern web technologies, automated content creation, and multilingual support.

Our Vision

At AI Tools Directory, we set out to demonstrate the power of static site generators, specifically Hugo, in creating a sleek and modern directory theme. We chose the trending topic of AI directories as our playground, allowing us to experiment with various data sources, automated content creation techniques, and multilingual support.

What We Do

Our project focuses on:

  1. Showcasing Hugo Capabilities: We leverage Hugo’s features to generate a fast, efficient, and visually appealing directory website.

  2. Automated Data Collection: We’ve developed systems to automatically gather and enrich data by visiting various AI-related websites and tool pages.

  3. Automated Content Creation: Our news section is powered by an n8n workflow that integrates Baserow, GitHub, Claude, and ChatGPT to generate content, translations, and images on autopilot.

  4. Continuous Updates: We’re exploring ways to automate the updating process of our directory to keep the information current and relevant.

  5. AI-Generated HTML Templates: We’re testing Claude’s capabilities in creating HTML templates, pushing the boundaries of AI-assisted web development.

  6. Multilingual Support: We’ve implemented full translation of the site to test Hugo’s i18n capabilities and cater to our diverse network of users who may not all be fluent in English.

Our Tech Stack

We utilize a variety of technologies in this project, including:

  • Makefile
  • Hugo
  • GitHub
  • n8n
  • Baserow
  • Claude AI
  • ChatGPT
  • SQLite (for easy data transformation)
  • And more…

Data Management

We store our directory data in a SQLite database, which allows for easy transformation and manipulation. This approach gives us flexibility in how we process and present the information across different languages and formats.


We want to express our gratitude to:

  1. Tool Creators: We extend our sincere appreciation to all the innovative developers and companies behind the AI tools featured in our directory. Their groundbreaking work drives the AI industry forward and provides the foundation for projects like ours.

  2. Similar Projects: We’ve drawn inspiration from several excellent AI directory projects. These initiatives helped us kickstart our database and discover interesting tools to feature. We’d like to acknowledge:

    • aiagentsdirectory.com
    • aiagentslist.com
    • aiagentlist.com
    • nextgentools.me
    • e2b.dev/ai-agents
    • aidirectory.in
    • agentailist.com
    • allgpts.co
    • scriptbyai.com
    • aitoolsdirectory.com
    • aitoolslist.io
    • aitoolsmarketer.com
    • theresanaiforthat.com

    We encourage our visitors to explore these projects as well, as they each offer unique perspectives on the AI tool landscape.

Our Purpose

This project serves primarily as a proof of concept for us and our network. We’re exploring the possibilities and limitations of:

  1. Heavily automated Hugo-based websites and content creation
  2. AI-generated HTML templates using Claude
  3. Multilingual support in static sites
  4. Automated data collection and transformation

By pushing the boundaries of automation and multilingual support, we aim to uncover the pros and cons of this approach in modern web development and content management.

We invite you to explore our directory, keeping in mind that this is an experimental project designed to test and showcase various technologies and automated processes. While we strive for accuracy, the nature of our automated systems means that some information may not always be up-to-date or complete.

Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome as we continue to refine and improve this experimental platform, especially regarding the multilingual aspects and AI-generated content.