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AgentOps AI

Create and monitor dependable AI agents with extensive testing and replay analytics.


AgentsOpsAI is a leading developer platform that facilitates the testing, debugging, and monitoring of AI agents. It offers tools for recording LLM prompts, completions, and timestamps, as well as logging events and calls and linking errors to their original causes. This platform aims to enhance transparency and understanding of AI agent operations through a visual dashboard.

AI agents
replay analytics
error tracking
developer tools

Key Features

  • Monitoring and logging of AI agent activities
  • Replay analytics for debugging
  • Visualization of LLM calls and agent interactions
  • Error tracking and causal event linking
  • Session drilldown and meta-analysis

Use Cases

  • Debugging AI agents
  • Monitoring AI agent performance
  • Analyzing LLM prompt and completion data
  • Visualizing multi-agent interactions
  • Enhancing AI agent reliability


Category: AI Agents Builder

Industry: Technology

Pricing Model: Freemium

Access: Closed Source


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