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Devika AI

An open-source autonomous AI software engineer that is capable of independently writing and correcting code.


Devika AI, created by, is a sophisticated AI software engineer capable of comprehending detailed human instructions, breaking them down into executable tasks, conducting investigations, and producing code in various programming languages. Powered by advanced language models such as GPT-4 and Claude, Devika is proficient in AI-driven planning, logical reasoning, and real-time tracking of progress, making it an adaptable tool for developers with differing skill sets.

Agentic AI Software Engineer
AI Agent
Autonomous Agent
Coding Assistant

Key Features

  • Advanced AI planning and reasoning capabilities
  • Contextual keyword extraction for focused research
  • Seamless web browsing and information gathering
  • Code writing in multiple programming languages
  • Dynamic agent state tracking and visualization
  • Natural language interaction via chat

Use Cases

  • Automated Code Generation
  • Bug Fixing
  • Project Management
  • Educational Tool
  • Static Website Deployment


Category: Coding

Industry: Technology

Pricing Model: Free

Access: Open Source


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