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Comprehensive platform created to assist in the development, monitoring, and enhancement of artificial intelligence solutions.


LangWatch AI is a comprehensive platform that supports businesses in the development, monitoring, and enhancement of their artificial intelligence solutions. It provides tools for quality assurance, risk management, and user analytics, allowing organizations to implement generative AI securely while safeguarding against challenges such as misinformation, data leaks, and damage to reputation.

AI safety
Quality control
User analytics
Generative AI
Risk mitigation

Key Features

  • Real-time analytics
  • AI risk mitigation
  • Quality evaluation
  • Custom evaluation criteria
  • User feedback analysis

Use Cases

  • Monitoring the performance of AI chatbots
  • Identifying off-topic discussions
  • Preventing the leakage of sensitive data
  • Assessing Retrieval-Augmented Generation applications
  • Ongoing enhancement of AI models


Category: Data Analysis

Industry: Technology

Pricing Model: Freemium

Access: Closed Source


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