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An independent artificial intelligence agent equipped with limitless memory and advanced contextual reasoning capabilities.


Teenage-AGI is an artificial intelligence agent developed in Python, inspired by the concepts explored in BabyAGI and the academic paper titled 'Generative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior'. It employs OpenAI's GPT-4 alongside Pinecone to enhance memory longevity and thoughtful response generation. This agent is capable of recalling endless information, ensuring consistent and meaningful interactions, even after being powered down.

memory recall
contextual reasoning
autonomous agent

Key Features

  • Limitless memory recall
  • Advanced contextual reasoning
  • Ability to retain memory after shutdown
  • Utilizes GPT-4 for natural language processing
  • Integrates with Pinecone for effective memory storage

Use Cases

  • Personal assistant
  • Automation of customer service
  • Educational tutoring
  • Interactive storytelling
  • Research assistance


Category: Personal Assistant

Industry: Technology

Pricing Model: Free

Access: Open Source


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